12309897 186673838342457 6259690695767282948 o

Haunted - Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston

Format: streaming
Label: Ryder Records
Year: 2024
Origin: Chateauguy, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock, garage
Value of Original Title: 
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Robert Williston Interviews


Track Name
Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston


12022408 152030421806799 5523219927986632936 o

Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston

12496132 211115465898294 6973555522854165514 o

Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston

12565514 209341166075724 8568856831293880119 n

Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston

141850782 1424901004519728 7324186659613274711 n

Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston

156623796 1453006995042462 5534849097358831579 n

Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston

12309897 186673838342457 6259690695767282948 o

Interview - Bob Burgess - Robert Williston


No Video


conversation with Bob Burgess about his life in music conducted May 22, 2024.

Bob Burgess was a founding member and lead singer of The Haunted (recorded three singles and played Hammond B3 on a fourth single); and Our Generation and is considered the Canadian godfather of garage rock. He co-wrote and recorded one of the all-time greatest garage double-siders 1-2-5 b/w Eight O'Clock This Morning along with several other garage greats. In the 70's he teamed up with Al Birmingham and Rick Metcalfe to form Aeon who recorded an album worth of material that went unreleased until 2016 when Al released a compilation CD on his own Garage Gold label.


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